Tuesday, February 22, 2011

wanna know?

these color? yes... i fell in love with this color more and more... i love these color so damn much...
my mirror di hiasi with bungaan kecil ber warna pink n white...
my study table dah berlapik... ber warna pink n got swan feather on it..owww... so lovely... thengot blue one with peacok feather... i d k where to put..hehe... just now...i buy new lg... color purple... love it damn much !!!!
latre i attach picture for u all key!!!

helo again...

soryy for not come for few days... but i am really bz rite now..with extra classess... lgpon kat uma da xde e-net..now just on kat cc...
hehe..ape nak wat..... yesterday i did come..but decide today baru nak update..ehehe...
 okey.. dgr lah story ku semua hehehe.......................

Penyembuh rindu

our friendship

Daisypath Friendship tickers

our story started....

Daisypath Anniversary tickers